Full ticket € 8,00 - AA Card € 5,00
There archaeological section of the Civic Museums, housed in two rooms located on the floor land of the building of the Collegio dei Giuristi, exhibits finds documenting the long history of the province from the Middle Paleolithic to the early Middle Ages, fruit of excavations and discoveries carried out from the second half of the 19th century. On the floor land important archaeological finds afferent the whole are exposed Province, among which the burial is of great interest of a hunter found in Val Cismon (BL) and datable to the end of the Upper Paleolithic (12,000 years fa) whose pit was covered with stones painted in red ocher. They are evidence of the age of iron, consisting largely of findings coming from the nineteenth-century excavation of a necropolis near Cavarzano (fibulae, knives and bronze objects) and subsequent excavations carried out in areas nearby. There are also numerous finds from the Roman and Upper ages Middle Ages: the two sets should be mentioned Lombard tombstones, found respectively in Mel and Sospirolo. The Roman lapidary is housed in the entrance hall of the nearby Municipal Auditorium: from point out the limestone base of Cansiglio from the beginning of the third century A.D. dedicated to Marco Carminio Pudente, who held important functions administrative among which also that of patron of the collegium of dendrophori (employees to the processing and sale of timber) and blacksmiths, and the funeral stele, of the second century AD, of Tito Sertorio Proculo who had numerous political and religious offices in the municipium.
Alquanto rilevante è poi il sarcofago di Flavio Ostilio e della moglie Domizia del III secolo d.C., visitabile nel cortile di Palazzo Crepadona, sede del Centro culturale cittadino.